What is the Hub?
As a phone and diary client your company will enjoy referrals from numerous Your Virtual Business Centre Phone & Diary Clients.
Your Virtual Business Centre is privileged to lots of information from consumers and as a member of The Hub we will establish a link between our other clients with non-conflicting services so we can generate potential sales from one incoming telephone call. Our highly trained inbound calling staff will be able to identify sales opportunities and will upsell your business to our clients’ customers generating you new business.
This is a unique service that no other company can offer. Your Virtual Business Centre’s attention to detail allows us to create an exceptional internal networking service, a one of a kind business directory.
What does the HUB have to offer?
Appointment Setting
Appointment Confirmation
These services will allow you and your staff to get on with the job without unnecessary interruptions so you can do what you do best and make profit. Time is priceless especially in business.
Data Base Sourcing of Decision Makers
Productive Newsletter/Email Campaigns
Telemarketing (Outbound Calling)
Evolve - Achieve - Grow
By evolving the cold call process we can demonstrate that if approached correctly you can get conversion rates. Your Virtual Business Centre source a database of prospective clients that meet your ideal target market. We do this by continuously updating our extensive master list of businesses within Australia.
To achieve conversions Your Virtual Business Centre do not just pick up the phone and cold call these leads, we make them warm by either emailing an introduction email to the decision maker directly or send a letter in the post. Your Virtual Business Cente sell the service or product that you offer. Our highly trained staff watch who opens the emails and clicks and then follow up with a phone call securing new appointments. All appointments will be qualified before consultation is arranged so that your business will grow.
Your Virtual Business Centre create a tailor made campaign that will be designed specifically to enhance your business. Your package will consist of telephone line, scripts, staff training of products and services by liaising with business owner and research, contracts & agreements.