No one knows better than I do how crazy the Christmas period can be. I get so many last minute requests from clients in a complete panic of tasks they have left to the last minute. Here are some tasks you might want to think about getting organised now to make your Christmas less of […]
I am certain if we could buy more hours to make the day longer, we would simply fill it with more tasks. So the secret then lies in how to do we make the best use of the time that we have. Here are my best tips for time management when you run your own […]
So you are working flat out, you are constantly under pressure, you are losing your work-life balance and you are thinking: this is not working but how do I change things. Well, there is a simple answer on how to improve your productivity as well as your overall health and well-being all at the same […]
Many people underestimate how important their office is to their business. It can become a dumping ground for all sorts of things and this issue can be compounded when your business office is located in your home. If your office is not running smoothly, it can cost you in many ways – wasted time, money, […]